Sunday, July 11, 2004

A response to Editorial by the so-called 'Board of Editors' of BangladesherDak

Also Clarification on 2 Emails circulated by BangladesherDak

Dear Readers,

I refer to the link that has appeared as an Editorial in BangladesherDak and I want to put in my clarification - point by point.

Two years ago, Shumu, Maqsood, and Chotton started this news portal. Maqsood was responsible for updating and for a weekly editorial. Shumu was taking care of the administration, logistics, salaries, and supervising Maqsood and the other BDak staff. Chotton was responsible for overall supervision. However, since the 6th of July 2004, Maqsood is no longer with the Bdak; he resigned from the job on good terms and by his own volition, which is clear in the emails he sent us on the subject . (Those interested to know more please consult the e-mails (Email 1 ,Email 2) that he sent to us on the 5th of July which are self explanatory).

1. First and foremost the links in the emails purportedly containing my 'resignation' is not working i.e. when one clicks on it says: "The address type is unknown or unsupported". I hope the "hijackers" (the term 'Hackers' would from this would be an understatement) of the site would be kind enough to display for benefit of BangladesherDak readers the totality of this email and my 'so-called' resignation.

2. The question of 'resignation' would legally be applicable, if I were in anybody's employment. I would request the so-called "Board of Editors" to immediately publish in the portal my "letter of employment" and whatever terms and conditions it may/may not have contained URGENTLY.

3. Also for clarity 'if' in the event I have 'resigned' as claimed above, it would be nice to read the 'release order' from 'service' that this "Board of Editors" is claiming and the hand over and takeover of charges documents for public scrutiny.

4. I note the names of 2 other persons in the above Editorial. It would be only worthwhile for readers of BangladesherDak to ask the so-called "Board of Editors" to produce documents to support the line wherein it is mentioned that: "Shumu was taking care of the administration, logistics, salaries, and supervising Maqsood and the other BDak staff. Chotton was responsible for overall supervision."

5. Receipts, invoices - anything worthwhile to share with the world by this so-called "Boards of Editors" would be welcome. If my job was 'supervising' as claimed above, readers please do not miss out the line where it says in the end that there was yet an another gentleman who was the 'overall supervisor'!

6. Readers are requested to note that this is Cyber Hijacking of the worst kind and really what transpired is that a disgruntled employees of the web support company was brought over by some very unscrupulous elements, awed by the fact that BangladesherDak is receiving such huge visitations.

7. Last if not the least, readers of BangladesherDak, please do ask this so called "Board of Editors" of Bangladesherdak to reveal who they are. I have not seen any names - has anybody else?

Part 2

With reference to the 2 emails circulated by the so-called "Board of Editors" of BangladesherDak updated on the 10th July instant as per link

appears in the PDF format for everybody to scrutinize are now truncated below this message for clarity and easier understanding:

1. With reference to the Email 1 - please note the word "Dissociate" means that I was in no way in the employ of Mr.Zilhurain Jaigirdar (Shumu) and neither were we business partners. Therefore the first line in the Editorial: "Maqsood has been working with us for the past two years." Is totally false, concocted and motivated.

2. Please also note another line in the Editorial: "Two years ago, Shumu, Maqsood, and Chotton started this news portal" directly conflicts with Email 2 where I state; "I tend to agree with him when he pointed out that at the outset BDAK was his and my idea, and we had an understanding that you would be the one handling disbursements and supervisory functions - while he sourced for funds". It therefore proves that whoever is writing out Editorials on behalf of this so-called "Board of Editors" has yet LIED for a second time.

3. Considering point 2 the role of Shumu was thus a mere 'supervisor' - which under very rationale terms is a position in any situation much below that of an Editor!

Therefore when this so-called "Board of Editors; say:" Dear readers, it is now up to you, to judge what really happened behind the scenes." - the REAL facts 'behind the scene' were as follows:

  • My friend Chotton and self started the BangladesherDak project with our own resources in the year 2002.
  • Under friendly terms it was decided that till such time we went online with a proper website, Shumu would be providing token financial support and that we would display his company advertisement as and when we went on-line i.e. outside of listserve and into
  • That precisely happened when this time last year went online and the only two advertisements that appear on our site J.W.Worldwide Ltd and Brilliant Heera Ltd were prominently displayed and still remains there as part of our earlier commitment. Therefore under the friendly understanding - at best Mr.Shumu was a client of BangladesherDak and nothing else.
  • The disbursements/payments etc mentioned in my email precisely refer to the payments he was making within the purview of our 'friendly understanding'.
  • He was never my employer or even a partner in this project, although we did consider forming a company, which regrettably never happened.

  • For reasons quite unclear to me from the middle of June 2004 Mr.Shumu suddenly started sending me series of threatening and intimidating emails which I have in my files and can produce for public scrutiny should this be required at a future date. Needless to mention this would only cause considerable embarrassment for him and one I am not quite inclined to share publicly unless as a last resort.
  • Other than threatening and intimidating me he also managed to hoodwink several employees of Nascent Systems Ltd who were providing web support that he was indeed the real 'boss' of BangladesherDak, and in particular 'brought over' Mr.F.I Yousuf Emon so that the entire website and all functionality are effectively HIJACKED.
  • I want to put in record that all invoice, agreement, lease for the office premise as much as all dealings with Nascent Systems Ltd, were executed directly with me as Editor of BangladesherDak and have the relevant documents to support this statement.

  • Shumu's intentions however became very clear when in an email he asked me to send in a NOTICE FOR RESIGNATION to which I forcefully declined, saying he has no legal, moral or ethical rights to make any such demands. .
  • Left with no option, I informed my friend Chotton that its time for me to disassociate from BangladesherDak as things are spiraling out of control. He was himself extremely embarrassed to see this escalation. This is well explained in my comments to Shumu : "I do not wish to escalate this any further because it is turning very sour and unpleasant" and a copy of the same email I sent to Chotton which is evident.
  • To quote from the Editorial: "He met us on the morning of 6th July where he declined to commit himself to a disciplined time schedule for the Bdak", is only indicative that Shumu had made up his mind to hijack BangladesherDak. Who was he to dictate "disciplined time schedules"?

  • NOT being his employee or even a partner, I asked him WHO the hell was he to dictate such terms to me - was my retort.

  • In reality Shumu wanted me to 'surrender' BangladesherDak through threats and intimidation - and in the meantime he called my assistant Nipu and ONE PERSON i.e. Mr.F.I Yousuf Emon then in Nascent Systems and 'brought them off - BEHIND THE SCENE'.

  • When I asked for the balance due for the advertisement - he flatly refused and threatened me that unless and until I "surrender" BangladesherDak unconditionally to him, he would have nothing to do with me and would not pay the months advertisement due.

I shook his hand and walked out.

Readers this exactly how things stand as far as this sordid drama is concerned.

I am now waiting for the so-called "Board of Editors" to respond whilst making it amply clear that unless they apply reason and take responsibility for their most unethical and criminal actions, I will pursue this with all the vigor required.

2 E Mails :

Disassociating from BangladesherDak from 1st August 2004

Dear Shumu Bhai,

I have considered all the pros and cons of our recent communications and feel it is to my best interest that I disassociate myself from BangladesherDak, effective 1st of August 2004.

I have discussed this in some details with Chotton and have learnt many things about our project that I was not aware of in the past. Please do accept my sincere apologies for I was dwelling under some very serious misconceptions

It was a sheer pleasure and honor to have been associated with you and please be rest assured that I leave with no personal ill-feelings towards you. You have been more than kind in your dealings with me, but recent events make it pertinent for me to move on and try and do something that gives me the peace of mind, which is most important for me, and which has been sadly affected over the last 2 weeks.

I will be grateful if you will be kind enough to give an appointment sometimes tomorrow the 6th of July at your convenience so that everything is settled amicably during the transition period. However between now and the 31st July 2004, please be reassured that my commitment to BDAK will remain unchanged. I will also be more than willing to help and assist anybody that you may designate to oversee this project after I have left.

Finally, I will be obliged if you can arrange to send the disbursement amount i.e. my remuneration, as I have to clear the house rent, newspapers etc as well.

It seems you have already settled all else with the concerned parties including my assistant Nipu.

Thanking you


Not an Agreement but a Friendly Understanding

Dear Shumu Bhai,

I do not wish to escalate this any further because it is turning very sour and unpleasant.

I have discussed this with Chotton and I think he is CORRECT in pointing out that we had NO 'agreement'. For clarity I am also copying Chotton in this communication.

What transpired between us over the last 2 years was in effect a 'friendly understanding'.

I tend to agree with him when he pointed out that at the outset BDAK was his and my idea, and we had an understanding that you would be the one handling disbursements and supervisory functions - while he sourced for funds.

Based on the above, and since I wish no longer to be associated with BDAK I want to settle my departure once and for all - in the very same friendly terms that we started and which was ongoing. I do not want to dwell on the past and having said that, there are many areas to cover which I intend to cooperate to the best of my abilities so that the transition from me to the next person you choose to run this operation is smooth.

I am coming over to meet you tomorrow at 9:30 to discuss the transition and NOTHING ELSE. Paying or not paying me for my services rendered over a month - the prerogative lies certainly with you and your conscience. I just want to shake your hand good bye, so that you never have to see my face ever again.





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