Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Response to Eashon Waheed - Who is the real Jamaati?

Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 04:20:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Maqsoodul Haque (Mac)
Subject: Who is the real Jamaati?

This is in response to Eshon Waheed's mindless vituperations in: RE: An Urgent Appeal to Everyone!

First of all, I would like to thank the Editor of NFB for deleting the selective 'gaaliz' that Mr. Waheed reserved for me, preceding his reactions, which of course has appeared un-edited on their 'very own' e-forum Murkho-Mona, and regrettably on some other forums.

Name-calling when arguments, logic, reason and lies fail - is very much a 'chetona' trait, and in their 'school of indoctrination' it is passé. Given their 'raving example' in the infamous Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr.Dr,Dr.Dr Sheikh Hasina Wazed Miah(phd 13) - I am neither too worried or surprised. Indeed, in some odd way, I think these insipid 'shikkhitoe jons' have been merciful!

Despite their abject 'progressive' and 'secular' public positioning and posturing, this lot can stoop to innuendoes whenever they are challenged or cornered with facts. It's an old and well-known game of those afflicted with a fascist mentality and now fashionable in their 'e-bibriti and petition baaji'.

Apparently, patriotism is their very own monopoly (so widen your mouth 'ha' and gulp 'em WITHOUT QUESTION - even if it is poison) and anyone that dares oppose or question them is of course a 'Razakar-Jamaati- Enemy'. I for one do not feel pushed by this attitude.

'We dare to FIGHT, we dare to dream, we dare to WIN' - Siraj Sikdar

Mr. Waheed wrote, and I quote:
If I remember correctly, Mr.Haque in one of his recent articles (one of too many:)) has declared that the Jamaatis did not murder the intellectuals, the Indian Army did and actually he has proof to this effect. Since that day I have tried to keep my ears and eyes open...so I might not miss that monumentous day on which Mr.Haque chooses to unleash his Historical (hysterical?) proof on us. Actually Mr.Haque is a little late.... the Jamaatis have already (time and again) expressed these same sentiments regarding the numbers in 1971 and the martyred intellectuals. Or it may be that Mr. Haque takes his cues from the Jamaatis!

He starts by saying I am a 'Keeper of History', which, of course, I have never claimed.
My position on history is very clear. We have to view all options and all sides of it and try as we might this cannot be a 'selective exercise', for doing that would mean our progenies will accuse us of not being fair, unbiased, reasonable or intelligent in our assessments. For instance, if my views (which he claims is a Jamaati view) on RAW's involvement in liquidating our intellectuals in 1971 is UNTRUE - what are the facts present in front of him to support his contentions? What have the chetonas done to dispel them if they were propaganda in the last 31 years?


Also, we must try and discard this very petty partisan mentality for history is ultimately the property of the people - not any PARTY. Who we vote for on polls day is no parameter of judgment for what history should be or ought to be.

Mr. Waheed very typically accuses me of being a Jamaati - because what I have said does not conform to what he believes in. But are we all saying the TRUTH?

For readers' guidance, I am quoting from my original contentions - a rebuttal titled 'Tokenistic Weekend Historians: The Patriotic Razakars' that Mr. Waheed is implying.
Readers are requested to view the entire article at their convenience to find out for themselves what I had said - and whether it is at all a Jamaati 'position' or propaganda.

One Mr. Shafiq Ahmad wrote (Presumably Mr. Waheed's pseudonym):

If these were not the thugs who kidnapped the martyred intellectuals of Dhaka city then who did? Who were they? Were they aliens from a different planet who vanished in the thin air after murdering en masse the most illustrious sons and daughters of the soil? Did they disappear underneath the ground after completing their "Shoni Shoitan Nirmul Obhijan"? Did the deep waters of the Buriganga part for and then closed again behind these holy assassins like the Nile had parted and closed behind Mosses and his cohort? Is It not our national duty to find out.

I replied:

"Conspiracy Theory books in Dhaka on the intellectual murder and what the writer says above is only one side of the story. The other side, however, is of the opinion that a hit squad of Indian RAW operatives entered Bangladesh for the express purpose of liquidating our intellectuals."

Mr. Ahmad wrote:
If these were not the thugs who kidnapped the martyred intellectuals of Dhaka city then who did? Who were they?

I replied:

1. Those that were killed opted to stay and work in Dhaka without crossing into India till the very last days in occupied Bangladesh, given credence to the Pakistani propaganda that ALL IS NORMAL IN EAST PAKISTAN.

2. Some of those that were murdered were openly supportive of Pakistan and gulped the Pakistani propaganda that the War of Liberation was a Hindu plot, against the Muslims of East Pakistan.

3. That the Indians wanted to cripple the possibilities of post independence Bangladesh by liquidating these intellectuals taking advantage of the post 5th December 1971 scenario, when in reality Dhaka was besieged by Mukti Bahini guerrillas and the Pakistani and Razakar forces cornered into the safe sanctuaries of Cantonments.

There is an acrimonious problem that lends further support to the above conspiracy theory hypothesis. The culture of blame post 1971.

It became a passé fashion those days to condemn all that stayed back in occupied Bangladesh and did not go across the border to India as collaborators, as if all Bengalis are supposed to be BRAVE! Had these intellectuals survived - what would we have called them - PATRIOTS?"

Having re-read this article (one too many as Mr. Waheed infers - history MUST not be a weekend pursuit) - I now know exactly what it was that upset him that resulted in his 'gaali-gaalaz' reaction. I quote it below for readers' amusement.

Mr. Ahmad wrote:
The mere speeches that collaborators like Golam Azam and the members of the central leadership of today's Jamate Islami delivered inciting violence against "miscreants," "Indian agents," and "Collaborators of Brahminism" etc. are enough to have them convicted and handed heavy sentences in any impartial war crimes court. The mere document embodying the Central Peace Committee resolution directing Union. Peace Committees to "eliminate all Hindus excepting malees, dhopas, napits, methors" and other lower-strata Hindus of the menial occupations is enough to have the surviving members of the Central Peace Committee convicted of war crimes.

I replied:

"The less said about Golam Azam the better it is for us. Since we could do bugger all about him it is better that we let him die a natural death and let God decide the course of justice. Or is there a patriotic 'death squad' brave enough to liquidate the Jamaat Chief up to make the supreme sacrifice ala Hezbollah?"

I leave it up to readers' imagination to try and decipher who the real Jamaati among us really is?

Before I end - an apology is due. The number of people killed in 1971 as discussed in the Liberation War Museum (the Mecca of Chetona-ism) last year was less that 100,000 (one lakh). It was a typo on my part - but 'intelligent' people out there should have known that to arrive at the figure 10,000 - a comma appears after the first zero, not after the second, i.e., 100,00!

In any case apologies are due to those that thought it was an affront.

What was the figure arrived at - after 'due consideration' from 'chetonaz', who attended the face-to-face exchange?

Well, let's keep bygones as bygones - it would be far too embarrassing for Mr. Waheed!

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Mukto Mona - Re: An Urgent Appeal to Everyone!

Response to Story

I guess its high time that we have start calling oranges oranges and apples apples. Before anybody in NFB goes about signing this 'historic appeal' which seems nothing more than an Awami e-campaign to make a great issue out of Pervez Mushharrafs visit to Bangladesh, I hope this point by point rebuttal may be taken into consideration :

1. The Pakistani occupation army committed a mass genocide in the erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and killed 3 million Bengalis in 1971. In the same instance, they raped and molested nearly 450,000 Bengali women...Pakistan has never apologized to us, the Bangladeshis, for the atrocity committed in 1971.

Without undermining the atrocities of 1971, I beg to differ that these figures have since gone obsolete. In a discussion at the Mukti Juddho? Jadughar for instance last year, it was agreed by discussants that less than 100,00 people were killed. The number of women raped (and rape was the order of the day) remains till date unaccounted for or in the least unverifiable.

2. General Musharraf, as a member of the occupying Pakistani army in 1971,cannot avoid the responsibility of the massacre of the Bengalis of Bangladesh.

He was a soldier of the 'glorious' Pakistani Army and had no choice but to go as per diktats of his bosses. Failing to do that would have led to him being court martial-ed and shot for treason. Do not forget that he also swore by the Koran to obey orders of his superiors.

Like wise the USA also has to own up to its responsibility of supporting and arming the Pakistani forces of which Mushrarraf was an officer and that openly supported and perpetrated the genocide in Bangladesh in 1971. Why has this ?historic? (or shall we call it hysteric!) petition absolved US responsibility for 1971? Is any among the petitioner worried about being booted out of the US?

If the BNP Government is licking up to Pakistani boots only to appease the

USA, I guess so are these so called petitioners!

3. To accord the military dictator a state visit to a democratic country is a slap on the face of all freedom-loving people of Bangladesh and a great, dishonor to the people of the host country who lost millions of their countrymen in 1971 for democracy and civil governance.

Which by implications means the Awami League Government of 1996-2001 was not a 'democratic Government' - how interesting!? Hall marks of big time Awami-ized liars and sycophants - only this time as in all time, they have fallen into their own trap.

Consder this :

How come the Peruvian military dictatar Alberto Fujimori was accorded a 'red carpet reception' in Dhaka by the erstwhile Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in 1997 only hours after he had cold bloodedly executed Tupac Amaru guerillas at the Japanese Embassy in Lima? When on earth shall we recognise the diffence between our elbows and our orifices?
4. Pakistan has denied the responsibility of tens and thousands of Biharis who show allegiance to Pakistan and are stranded in Bangladesh living in U.N. run camps and elsewhere. Pakistan should help them to return back to Pakistan.

I guess that is Pakistan's prerogative and they will do so as and when they desire - we cannot push them. Collaborators of Pakistan i.e. the Biharis are a bunch of people that we have no reason to worry about as they are certainly not looked after at Bangladeshi taxpayers money - but as the petitoners mention the U.N.

In the Bihari camps that they live today - we see the sale of Bihari kebabs that droves of us patriotic Bengalees come over to savour and devour in plate fulls. The pro-Awami 'national' Daily Star, also also makes a Weekend cover story - of this delictatble shenainigan. Who are we fooling here?

Also it is heartening to note that almost 40% of the stranded lot do not want to return to Pakistan but instead want Bangladesh nationality!

We strongly believe that a Pakistani Head of the State can officially be invited to visit Bangladesh only after:

1. Pakistani Head of the State formally apologizes, on behalf of the? Pakistani people, for the crimes committed by Pakistani army against the Bengalis in the liberation struggle of Bangladesh in 1971.

He has already done that in writing at the Savar Memorial and verbally in the State banquets hosted by the Prime Minister yesterday. If we expect him to bend his knees, touch our feet and beg apology - we are fooling ourselves again.

2. Pakistani Head of the State agrees, on principle, to compensate (as? Japan did to Korea) for the massacre in 1971 and the damage done to the already fragile economic infrastructure of Bangladesh.

That is pretty much on the top of the agenda and has received the action that it so much deserves - and only time and perseverance will ensure that we do get our rightful share.

This kind of negative petition will only ensure that this matter will forever keep the issue in the back burner (or heart burner) !

We urge our conscientious people to rise and demand an unconditional apology from the Pakistani junta for the genocide in 1971.

We also strongly demand to our Government to resolve all outstanding issues with Pakistan regarding our liberation war before normalizing the relationship with them.

'Conscientious people' of Bangladesh - thankfully the BNP has ensured that the people have got what they wanted for years. The Awami league should busy itself to looking after the mental sanity and sagacity in the conduct of its leadership - specifically that of Sheikh Hasina.




Did WE forgive Pakistan in 1974? :

As the debates on many forums gets more and more heated on whether or not the visiting Pakistan President Pervez Mushharaf meant 'forgiveness' when he used the word 'regret' in describing the events of 1971, as also if 'excesses' meant 'genocide' - if now seems beyond any doubt that the matter was resolved way back in 1974.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Mahatma Gandhi

On the 30th of July 2002, at a debriefing to the press the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Bangladesh, circulated a historical tripartite document signed between Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, which seems to suggest that the vexed issue about 'apologies' was indeed done with 'in writing' way back in 1974. It also goes to show the level of tolerance Bangladesh displayed back then and if we are to take a serious look to sentences like:

"Prime Minister of Bangladesh had declared with regard to the atrocities and destruction committed in Bangladesh in 1971 that he wanted the people to forget the past and to make a fresh start, stating that the people of Bangladesh knew how to forgive."

or this one :

"The Foreign Minister of Bangladesh stated that the Government of Bangladesh has decided not to proceed with the trials as an act of clemency"

proves once again that we are not a weak nation, but a strong and brave nation.

However what is perplexing is why did it take us 28 years to retrieve this document, and what is more upsetting is other than the tabloid Manbzamin, no other newspaper seems to have carried this news?

Why - is anybody's guess, but as we go foaming in our mouths trying to make meaning out of 'regret' and 'apology', I think this document, which I managed to obtain with great difficulty, after nearly 4 hard days of running to different Governments offices, proves a point, that some forces are out there that wishes to keep Bangladesh forever divided and to look backward - not forward.

Any guesses?


Maqsoodul Haque (Mac)


New Delhi, April 9, 1974

1. On July 2, 1972, the President of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of India signed an historic agreement at Simla under which they resolved that the two countries put to an end the conflict and confrontation that has hitherto marred their relations and work for the promotion of a friendly and harmonious relationship and the establishment of a durable peace in the sub-continent. The Agreement also provided for the settlement of "their difference by peaceful means by bilateral negotiations or by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon.

2. Bangladesh welcomed the Simla Agreement. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh strongly supported its objective of reconciliation, good neighborliness' and establishment of durable peace in the sub-continent.

3. The humanitarian problem arising in the wake of the tragic events of 1971 constituted a major obstacle in the way of reconciliation and normalization among the countries of the sub-continent. In the absence of reconciliation, it was not possible to have tripartite talks to settle the humanitarian problems, as Bangladesh could not participate in such meeting on the basis of sovereign equality.

4. On April 17, 1973, India and Bangladesh took a major step forward to break the deadlock on the humanitarian issues by setting aside the political problems of recognition. In a Declaration issued on the date they said that they "are resolved to continue their efforts to reduce tension, promote friendly and harmonious relationship in the sub-continent and work together towards the establishment of a durable peace ". Inspired by the vision and "in the larger interest of reconciliation, peace and stability in the sub-continent" they jointly proposed that the problem of the detained and stranded persons should be resolved on humanitarian considerations through simultaneous repatriation of all such persons except those Pakistani prisoners of war who might be required by the Government of Bangladesh for trial on certain charges.

5. Following the Declaration there were a series of talks between India and Bangladesh and India and Pakistan. These talks resulted in an agreement at Delhi on August 28, 1973 between India and Pakistan with the concurrence of Bangladesh, which provided for a solution of the outstanding humanitarian problems.

6. In pursuance of the Agreement, the process of three-way repatriation commenced on September 19, 1973. So far nearly 300,000 persons have been repatriated which has generated an atmosphere of reconciliation and paved the way for normalization of relations in the sub-continent.

7. In February 1974, recognition took place thus facilitating the participation of Bangladesh in the tripartite meeting envisaged in the Delhi Agreement, on the basis of sovereign equality. Accordingly His Excellency Dr.Kamal Hossain, Foreign Minster of the Government of Bangladesh, His Excellency Sardar Swaran Singh, Minister of External Affairs, Government of India and His Excellency Mr.Aziz Ahmed, the Minister of State for Defense and Foreign Affairs of the Government of Pakistan met in New Delhi from April 5 to April 9, 1974 and discussed the various issues mentioned in the Delhi Agreement in particular the question of the 195 prisoners of war and the completion of the three-way process of repatriation involving Bangalees in Pakistan, Pakistanis in Bangladesh and Pakistani prisoners of war in India.

8. The Ministries reviewed the progress of the three-way repatriation under the Delhi Agreement of August 28, 1973. They were gratified that such a large number of persons detained or stranded in the three countries had since reached their destinations.

9. The Ministers also considered steps that needed to be taken in order expeditiously to bring the process of the three-way repatriation to a satisfactory conclusion.

10. The Indian side stated that the remaining Pakistani prisoners of war and civilians internees in India to be repatriated under the Delhi Agreement, numbering approximately 6,500, would be repatriated at the usual pace of rain on alternate days and the likely short-fall [text illegible] ..to April 10, 1974 on account of Kumb Mela, would be made up by running additional trains after April 19. It was thus hoped that the repatriation of prisoners of war would be completed by the end of April 1974.

11. The Pakistani side stated that the repatriation of Bangladesh nationals from Pakistan was approaching completion. The remaining Bangladesh nationals in Pakistan would also repatriated without let or hindrance.

12. In respect of non-Bangalees in Bangladesh, the Pakistan side stated that the Government of Pakistan had already issued clearances for movement to Pakistan in favor of those non-Bangalees who were either domiciled in former West Pakistan, were employees of the Central Government and their families or were members of the divided families, irrespective of their original domicile. The issuance of the clearance to 25,000 persons who constitute hardship cases was also in progress. The Pakistan side reiterated that all those who fall under the first three categorize would be received by Pakistan without any limits to numbers. In respect of persons whose applications had been rejected, the Government of Pakistan would upon request, provide reasons why any particular case was rejected. Any aggrieved applicant could, at any time, seek a review of his application provided he was able to supply new facts or further information to the Government of Pakistan in support of his contention that he qualified in one or other of the three categories. The claims of such persons would not be time-barred. In the event of the decision of the review of a case being adverse, the Government of Pakistan and Bangladesh might seek to resolve it by mutual consultation.

13. The question of 195 Pakistani prisoners of war was discussed by the three Ministers, in the context of the earnest desire of the Governments for reconciliation, peace and friendship in the sub-continent. The Foreign Minister of Bangladesh stated that the excesses and manifold crimes committed by these prisoners of war constituted according to the relevant provisions of the U.N General Assembly Resolutions and International Law, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, and that there was universal consensus that persons charged with such crimes as the 195 Pakistani prisoners of war should be held to account and subjected to the dues process of Law. The Minister of State for Defense and Foreign Affairs of the Government of Pakistan said that his Government condemned and deeply regretted any crimes that may have been committed.

14. In this connection the three Ministers noted that the matter should be viewed in the context of the determination of the three countries to continue resolutely to work for reconciliation. The Minister further noted that following recognition, the Prime Minister of Pakistan declared that he would visit Bangladesh in response to the invitation of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and appeal to the people of Bangladesh, to forgive and forget the mistakes of the past. Similarly, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh had declared with regard to the atrocities and destruction committed in Bangladesh in 1971 that he wanted the people to forget the past and to make a fresh start, stating that the people of Bangladesh knew how to forgive.

15. In the light of the foregoing and, in particular, having regard to the appeal of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the people of Bangladesh to forgive and forget the mistakes of the past, the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh stated that the Government of Bangladesh has decided not to proceed with the trials as an act of clemency. It was agreed that the 195 prisoners of war may be repatriated to Pakistan along with the other prisoners of war now in process of repatriation under the Delhi Agreement.

16. The Minister expressed their convictions that the above agreements provide a firm basis for the resolution of the humanitarian problems arising out of the conflict of 1971. They reaffirmed the vital stake of seven hundred million people of the three countries have in peace and progress and reiterated the resolve of their Governments to work for the promotion of normalization of relations and the establishment of durable peace in the sub-continent.

Signed in New Delhi on April 9, 1974 in three original, each of which is equally authentic.

Dr.Kamal Hossain, Foreign Minster of the Government of Bangladesh,

Sardar Swaran Singh, Minister of External Affairs, Government of

Mr.Aziz Ahmed, the Minister of State for Defense and Foreign Affairs
of the Government of Pakistan